Thursday, July 27, 2006

Magic Eye Tetris, 3D-Stereogram TetrisStereogram Tetris
The idea is not that new, but this might be the first flash version of Magic Eye Tetris. There's no preloader, so please be patient while whole thing being loaded.

Flash itself does not have ability to render stereograms so I had to prerender all 256 combinations of cells in a row. That's why the file is pretty big ( 1.4 Mbytes).

Playing tetris in Magic Eye mode is quite a challenge, so I really appreciate your try. And please drive responsible after ;) LOL

As for me, I can play this legendary game for hours and hours. Oh yeah, some creds to the creator of tetris Alexey Pazhitnov (thanks man!)

Have fun!

Link to the game:
Magic Eye Tetris

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Here's my very first animated 3D-Stereogram of my very first animated character.

3D-Pink Animated 3D-Stereogram
You need to look through, it works same as a Magic Eye picture. It's a looped sequence of 19 frames, 700 Kbytes.

I finally modeled the character and animated it by myself. Making a 3D movie was another challenging effort. I improved my hidden image renderer so that it can automatically map textures on a hidden scene. Otherwise it would take year to make same stuff manually. Unfortunately it has some bugs (you may see some artifacts in the movie).

Have fun
3Dimka ;)