Thursday, September 28, 2006

Reveal the Magic Eye!

If you have never been able to see hidden images inside the Magic Eye posters, try this tool. You won't need to diverge or cross your eyes, animation will help you to see it. Even if you have depth perception difficulties or binocular vision problems, you can discover hidden 3D world with this method.

click here: Reveal the Magic Eye!

I used very simple idea borrowed from "wiggle stereo" to animate Single image stereogram by shifting it horizontally. Shifting offset (it's called Focus in the utility) defines parallax and "unhides" certain level of depth. Change the "focus" smoothly to discover whole hidden scene
3Dimka ;)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

animated magiceye stereogram sirds Animated Endless 3D-Chess

Here's my new animated Object Array Stereogram. Look through it to see the chess in 3D, same as Magic Eye picture. Looped sequence of 20 frames, 948 Kb, no preloader.

3Dimka ;)